A Presidents Club Investor opens-up more cash flow, tax benefits, and high returns with less risk— so you can decrease, and eliminate, your dependency on your commission based income.

Cash Flow


Value Appreciation

Reduced Taxes
Investing in Life
90% of millionaires invest in real estate, yet most real estate investments are filled with lots of extra demands and higher risks.
Our investment strategies are 100% passive with partnerships with our institutional operators. Meaning there is no time requirement from you, and the risk is diluted

There are only 3 Truly Passive Ways of Investing in Real Estate.
Of the 3 Passive Forms of investing, Syndications and Funds have the Highest Payoff Potential and the quickest route to retirement

We’re against you working more.
We help high achievers up the ante without taking on more hours or responsibility.
We offer passive investments and outsource all the work and responsibility to our institutional partners. With autopilot income and tax advantages, our Presidents Club Investors break free from the tyranny of conventional earning and the long hours.
When you invest with us, it’s called syndication. An apartment syndication means that we come together as individuals and form an LLC that buys an apartment property. Our pooled funds allow us to master little-known investment opportunities not available to individuals.
Example Return

Short Term Rental Fund
A 70+ property portfolio of short term rentals across 10 states. Our operating partners, TechVestor, leverage their knowledge from the tech space to create the most effective institutional operator of short term rentals.
Currently projecting a 4-6 year hold with high cash flow until exit.
6 - 9% Projected COC Return
9.4% Current COC Return
Unlike Other Investment Options…

We offer mind-blowing returns and better tax incentives than other investments.*

Physical assets perform well in inflationary environments

Contact us anytime and have a personal relationship.

Receive regular updates on performance and passive cash flow through monthly distributions.

Unlike Other Investment Firms….

Our offerings are hand picked for high achievers and earners

We have experience operating and developing real estate

We value personal connection and help each other grow

We offer regular opportunities to meetup and network

Give back through charity events and personal donations

Scale Quickly To Freedom
Why not make money off the bank’s money by leveraging good debt? That’s why investing with us leads to almost double returns* vs. buying the same property in cash yourself. With that same cash, you can invest in multiple properties that would normally be out of your ability to purchase and manage.
By using our 2 part Freedom Formula you'll be able to expedite your path to replacing your regular income with passive income.
Syndications and Funds allow you to leverage both strategies while diluting risk, winning against inflation, and deferring (and eliminating) taxes*

“Why haven't I heard of this before?”
The idea of syndication used to be overly difficult to get into, which made it reserved only for the ultra-wealthy. But with groups like ours, we have opened up easier access to these properties for people who aren't dedicated to real estate as a profession or have the investing power of family offices or hedge funds.
“What are the risks?”
*Risk of any investment includes total loss of capital. With syndications, that's unlikely. The truth is, risks are diluted significantly with these strategies because you're partnering with institutional operators in large-scale operation that diminish the risks of investing in smaller assets. We invest in physical assets in stable and consistent markets, making them recession-resistant and effective against inflation.
“Is this better than the stock market?”
It's rare that one investment is 'better' than another. Most strategies have a place in an investors portfolio. Some benefits to private real estate over the stock market that many investors enjoy are: less volatility, higher returns historically, stronger tax benefits with deferred and eliminated taxes, stable and stronger cash flow, and physical assets that perform well during inflation.

There's finally a real estate investing firm that caters specifically to high achievers who want to invest for work-optionality. We understand the unique risks your income structure has, the volatility industries can experience, and the pace you have to keep up to be a top earner. Every investment we bring keeps these unique attributes in mind and will help you replace your income with passive income as fast as possible.
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